Cube Actions

Pyramid supports numerous "cube actions" that have been defined in MS OLAP and Tabular. A cube action provides a springboard for end users to access additional functions and applications - based on the results of a query or metadata selections.

Pyramid's own "Actions" can be used in conjunction with cube actions, as replacements for these action; or when underlying data sources do not offer its own action feature.

  • To learn how to build Pyramid Actions using the Actions wizard, click here.

Actions are not available in the Community edition.

Getting to Actions

To access cube actions, right click on a data point and select the required action from the context menu:

  • Show Details: the default "drill through" query attached to a data cell. By default, the result set is limited to 10,000 records. However, users can resubmit the query and increase the maximum number of rows returned. Results can also be exported to CSV, JSON or XML file format.
    • For OLAP, this is the default drill through which is exposed to the given user, as long as that user has the appropriate drill-through rights.
    • For Tabular, this is the designed drill through logic for the given measure,
  • Drill Through: any custom designed "drill through" queries attached to a data cell in a query can be executed WITHIN the client. This is similar to Show Details above, however, it only reflects the custom drill through actions that have been attached to the OLAP cube. By default, the result set is limited to 10,000 records. However, users can resubmit the query and increase the maximum number of rows returned. Results can also be exported to CSV, JSON or XML file format.
  • URL: any URL actions attached to any part of the cube (the cube itself, dimensions, levels, members and cells) can be launched from the client. The application will open a secondary browser window with the URL address.
  • Reporting Services: similar to URL actions, any reporting service actions attached to the cube will be launched from the client via a secondary browser pop-up window.
  • Rowset: any rowset relational queries attached to a cube will be executed WITHIN the client (similar to Drill Through). The result set is returned WITHIN the application in a data grid. Results can be exported to CSV, JSON or XML file format. Using this action, it is possible for cube designers to expose "drill-to-relational-detail" functionality using SQL queries to end users through the Pyramid application.